Maria – Louisa Doukaki
Translator – Interpreter Nationality: Austrian – Greek Mother Language: German
2005: introduction to the Hellenic Open University in the post-graduate level for the programme “Specialization for Professors of the German Language”.
2004: graduation from the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpretation of the Ionian University.
2002: studies in Great Britain during the winter semester at the University of Surrey, Centre for Translation Studies, attending courses in Translation of E.U. texts, technical translation, Principles of Economics, Introduction to English Law, Stylistics, Studies in Conflict and Disorder, translation in the language pairs German – English, Professional English, Greek Interpreting, and Introduction to Media Studies.
1999: admission to the Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpretation.
1998: graduation from the 3rd High School of Corfu with the grade eighteen (18).
Technical translation in the language pairs English-Greek and Greek-English, German – Greek and Greek-German.
Economical and legal translation in the language pairs English-Greek and Greek-English and literary translation in Greek-German and German-Greek.
Foreign Languages
English: Proficiency Level (Edexcel- London Tests of English- University of Westminster).
German: native speaker, owner of Mittelstufe Diploma (Goethe Institut).
Dutch: good level.
Russian: good level
Computing Skills
ECDL diploma (Word, Excel, Windows XP, Internet).
Training (part of the University curriculum)
3.10.2003 – 09.02.2004: practical training as a translator in German and English at the General Hospital of Corfu.
20.-21.09.2014: “IAPTI 2nd Conference”, Athens
06.04.2014: “Lehrerfortbildungsseminare Klett 2014”, Thessaloniki
07.-09.11.2013: “9th Congress of the Greek Language and Terminology”, Athens
03.-06.12.2003: “Choice and difference in Translation”, National University of Athens, Athens.
27.09.2002: “Audiovisual Translation. Cultural References in Dubbing and Subtitling”, University of Surrey, U.K.
03.04.2000: «Ζητήματα Ειδικής Μετάφρασης και Ορολογίας», Ionian University, Corfu.
28.-30.09.2000: “Europa – Forum Congress”, Ionian University, Corfu.
Work Experience
2000-2015: freelance translator and interpreter
2000-2015: private lessons in German and English
2008-2010: teacher in German language for the private language school “Ξενόγλωσση Ακαδημία” in Corfu
2004-2006: teacher in German language for the private language school “Maria Mpakoli”, Kontokali, Corfu
2004-2012: cooperation as a translator-Interpreter with the legal firm Dalianis-Meier, Corfu
2007-2011: cooperation as a translator with office for administrative services Stefanos Tourzas
2008-2011: cooperation as a translator with the German legal protection insurance firm ARAG RECHTSCHUTZVERSICHERUNG AG
2008-2011: cooperation as a translator with the German social security DAK NÜRNBERG REGRESSBEREICH
2009-2010: cooperation with the law firm Michelis-Stroggylaki-Reinhart situated in Athens
2009-2010: cooperation with the law firm Dryllerakis & Partners situated in Athens
2009-2010: cooperation with the law firm Manoukas- Freude & Partners situated in Athens
2009-2010: cooperation with the law firm Papadopoulos, Lykourgos & Co situated in Limassol, Cyprus
2000-2005: cooperation as a translator with the office for secretarial services Aliki Kolla-Meier
2000-2003: cooperation with the Austrian honorary consul in Corfu
1998- 2004: summer-work in the Hotel “Dandidis” in Ag. Gordios, Corfu as a receptionist and secretary.
traveling, sports, and reading.